
Big Sky After Midnight: Lost

Last Friday night I walked home from a party around midnight. Big Sky is small, but I got lost. Probably because I was distracted by this.


Train Smoke and Birds - Chicago, March 2011

Because commuters and officials are apparently happy with simply testing air quality, Chicago's Union Station still makes for wonderfully grimy photo opportunities. Article linked below: written November 2010

I missed my train, so I shot a bunch of photos before going into the station. Photos of birds, naturally.



Drove through Montana September 3-5 on my way back from the Yukon among many other places. Stayed with some great people and met many more. One of those people is an extremely talented photographer and framer based in Big Sky named Ryan Turner. Check him out. You may recognize some of his images. The shot of the stars (last photo) was taken looking straight up in his driveway.
Prior to meeting Ryan I rolled into Missoula during the twilight hours of September 3rd. I walked around downtown until I was sure I'd seen every street and free art gallery. Luckily I stumbled upon The Top Hat, where two folky, bluegrassy, rocky bands played a wonderful homecoming show. Butter Wartime Blues (photos and links below)

*this is Montana without color correction, it's that kind of place


Great for so many reasons...
The Wilma Theater
People hanging out in alleys (free gallery, first Friday)

Art - Missoula, MT (my sincerest apologies for having no artist information)
Bird art, no less

Music at The Top Hat - Missoula, MT
Stumbled upon an amazing live show at bar/venue called The Top Hat downtown. The bands I saw are absolutely worth a listen. Butter (Cracker Bones is a personal favorite) Wartime Blues This homecoming show ended a tour that had just put them through Chicago. Good people. And so were the strangers turned friends that let me sleep on their couch.

Hermina Harold - Butter

Nate Hegyi and Ben Prez - Wartime Blues
The next Morning after waking up on someone's (?) couch and eating breakfast downtown...
Farmer's markets with music (I ate those apples for at least a thousand miles)
Photo ops (Top Hat hand stamp)
Headed to Big Sky

In Big Sky